Category: Physics

Measuring Qubits with “Time Travel” Protocol
June 27, 2024• Physics 17, s76 Quantum sensing can benefit

Study finds ultimate limits of spaceplates in optical systems
Conceptual image of a spaceplate reducing the distance at which

Majority of early career researchers in physical science want to publish open access, but face financial barriers
Statistics showing 67% of early career researchers want to publish

Flexible method for shaping laser beams extends depth-of-focus for OCT imaging
The researchers demonstrated their approach for generating needle-shaped beams by

Future economic growth in the face of diminishing resources
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The 1972 book “The Limits to

Novel method to accelerate neutron transport calculations
Geometry configuration of the ITER C-model (left), normalized neutron flux

Using holograms to illuminate de Sitter space
Concept drawing of de Sitter conformal field theory. Credit: Kyoto

New physics law could predict genetic mutations
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Genetic mutations could be predicted before

Tunable single-mode lasing on a high-Q resonator
Coherent combined polygon mode for ultranarrow-linewidth, single-frequency microdisk laser. Credit:

Physics – “Gunwale Bobbing” Explained
July 20, 2022• Physics 15, s97 Researchers uncover the hydrodynamics

Taking Smooth Steps Toward Equilibrium
Varun Narasimhachar1 and Felix Binder2 1School of Physical and Mathematical

New findings about moving electricity could improve fusion devices
PPPL physicist Andreas Kleiner in front of graphs illustrating the

Chiral sources for metamaterial interface waveguides
Unidirectional excitation of metamaterial interface waveguides; the chirality of the