Category: Physics

HL-LHC magnet endurance test further confirms niobium–tin’s resilience
The MQXFA05 magnet enters the vertical cryostat at the Brookhaven

New refining technique makes cheaper superconductors a reality
A schematic view of ultrasonication, depicting the process of refining

New research furthers understanding of the electronic structure of graphite
Graphite surface microscopic image and valence band structure together with

Researchers create order from quantum chaos
Single crystal of the novel quantum material discovered by the

A Conceptual Cousin for Twisted Bilayer Graphene
July 19, 2022• Physics 15, s98 Parallels are predicted between

AWAKE sows seeds of controlled particle acceleration using plasma wakefields
The figure shows the sum of ten consecutive time-resolved images

How blood vessels remember a stroke
(a) Ratio of conductance of two subsequent iterations versus preceding

X-ray light catchers for space just got a whole lot lighter
Before (top) and after 150 hours of annealing (bottom) at

The handedness of light holds the key to better optical control
A schematic of perfect nonlinear modulation using chiral light beams.

Steps toward Quantum Gravity in a Realistic Cosmos
Jordan Cotler Society of Fellows, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

A primary standard for measuring vacuum
NIST scientist Stephen Eckel behind a pCAVS unit (silver-colored cube

Researchers unveil spatiotemporal sequence of shear band in amorphous solids
Quantitative characterizations of shear, dilatation and rotation motions in shear

Hot Measure of Spin States Under Pressure
July 15, 2022• Physics 15, s99 Researchers heat iron carbonate