Category: Quantum-physics
Study shows that skyrmions and antiskyrmions can coexist at different temperatures
Left: Skyrmion-antiskyrmion pair predicted using micromagnetic simulations and a corresponding
Quantum computer works with more than zero and one
The Innsbruck quantum computer stores information in individual trapped calcium
Physicists use quantum simulation tools to study, understand exotic state of matter
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Thomas Iadecola worked his way through
Researchers explore a hydrodynamic semiconductor where electrons flow like water
This hydrodynamic behavior could yield more efficient devices. Credit: Rina
Marking a magnetic memory milestone
(Left) A cross-sectional transmission electronic microscope image of the research
Strange new phase of matter created in quantum computer acts like it has two time dimensions
The Penrose tiling pattern is a type of quasicrystal, which
Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators
Staff Scientist Daniele Filippetto working on the High Repetition-Rate Electron
Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters
A view of the attosecond laboratory: The vacuum chamber, inside
Physicists harness quantum ‘time reversal’ to measure vibrating atoms
MIT researchers used a system of lasers to first entangle,
New technique allows physicists to study interactions of neutrons inside of an atom
Evolution of nuclear electromagnetic properties for the 9/2+ ground states
Researchers use quantum-inspired approach to increase LiDAR resolution
The researchers used their two-photon interference lidar method to create
Researchers find the missing photonic link to enable an all-silicon quantum internet
A single T centre qubit in the silicon lattice (render),
Customized magneto-optical trap allows for cooling indium atoms to near absolute zero
Optimization of the MOT atom number. We vary the MOT
A boost in performance in fiber-integrated quantum memories
Picture of the quantum memory attached to the optical fiber.