New imaging method reveals concealed objects

New imaging method reveals concealed objects

Even though the figure in red lies hidden, out of

Physics - “Gunwale Bobbing” Explained

Physics – “Gunwale Bobbing” Explained

July 20, 2022• Physics 15, s97 Researchers uncover the hydrodynamics

Taking Smooth Steps Toward Equilibrium

Taking Smooth Steps Toward Equilibrium

Varun Narasimhachar1 and Felix Binder2 1School of Physical and Mathematical

New findings about moving electricity could improve fusion devices

New findings about moving electricity could improve fusion devices

PPPL physicist Andreas Kleiner in front of graphs illustrating the

Chiral sources for metamaterial interface waveguides

Chiral sources for metamaterial interface waveguides

Unidirectional excitation of metamaterial interface waveguides; the chirality of the

HL-LHC magnet endurance test further confirms niobium–tin's resilience

HL-LHC magnet endurance test further confirms niobium–tin’s resilience

The MQXFA05 magnet enters the vertical cryostat at the Brookhaven

New refining technique makes cheaper superconductors a reality

New refining technique makes cheaper superconductors a reality

A schematic view of ultrasonication, depicting the process of refining

New research furthers understanding of the electronic structure of graphite

New research furthers understanding of the electronic structure of graphite

Graphite surface microscopic image and valence band structure together with

Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators

Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators

Staff Scientist Daniele Filippetto working on the High Repetition-Rate Electron

Researchers create order from quantum chaos

Researchers create order from quantum chaos

Single crystal of the novel quantum material discovered by the

Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters

Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters

A view of the attosecond laboratory: The vacuum chamber, inside

A Conceptual Cousin for Twisted Bilayer Graphene

A Conceptual Cousin for Twisted Bilayer Graphene

July 19, 2022• Physics 15, s98 Parallels are predicted between

Curtain Rises on a “Phyusical”

Curtain Rises on a “Phyusical”

Author(s): Katherine Wright After more than a two year wait,

Optical vortex crystals for photonic simulations of complex systems

A quantum wave in two crystals

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Particles can move as waves along

AWAKE sows seeds of controlled particle acceleration using plasma wakefields

AWAKE sows seeds of controlled particle acceleration using plasma wakefields

The figure shows the sum of ten consecutive time-resolved images